At Pinnacle Lawns, we specialize in providing customers with quality lawn and shrub care.
We take pride in understanding the conditions, trends, and concerns of the local communities and their environments that we service.
We realize it’s about taking care of our customers, and value each and every one of them.
Contact us now to get a quote!
Pinnacle Lawns is excited to announce our new 7-step preferred lawn program.
With the weather getting warmer earlier in the year and staying warm longer, we have noticed a longer growing season.
This program will help prevent long gaps between treatments and covers the essentials to promote a healthy, weed-free lawn.
Our slow-release fertilizer stimulates the growth, density and deep green color of your turf while pre-emergent and targeted weed control prevent and deliver year-round protection from a variety of annual and broadleaf weeds.
These services are performed at key agronomic stages throughout the year to yield optimal lawn results!
Late Winter/Early Spring Pre-Emergent - Weed Control
Pre-Emergents are herbicides commonly used in turf management. They are used to prevent germination and growth of weeds specifically targeting the seedling stage. Pre-Emergents disrupt the formation of critical cell structure in weeds along with inhibiting the root and shoot development prior to them emerging. Although it can be applied as a granular or liquid it is typically applied as a liquid soil treatment.
Late Spring/Early Summer Pre-Emergent -Weed Control
Fertilizer - Weed Control
Fertilizer - Weed Control
Fertilizer - Weed Control
Fall Pre-Emergent or Fertilizer - Weed Control
Winter Pre-Emergent - Weed Control
Round 1: Pre-Emergent - Weed Control
Round 2: Pre-Emergent - Weed Control
Round 3: Fertilizer and Weed Control
Round 4: Fertilizer and Weed Control
Round 5: Fertilizer and Weed Control
Round 6: Late Fall Fertilizer and Weed Control
Round 7: Pre-Emergent and Weed Control
Round 1: Pre-Emergent - Weed Control
Round 2: Pre-Emergent - Weed Control
Round 3: Fertilizer and Weed Control
Round 4: Fertilizer and Weed Control
Round 5: Fertilizer Weed Control
Round 6: Late Fall Fertilizer Weed Control
Round 7: Fertilizer Weed Control
Pinnacle Lawns, LLC
819 Lester Lane, Rogers, AR 72756
(479) 659-4141
Copyright © 2025 Pinnacle Lawns, LLC - All Rights Reserved.